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Position:Home>Genealogy> I still can't find info on finding old address&phone numbers?


I still can't find info on finding old address&phone numbers?

i still looking for my bio. dad. i have went on numerous sites, all with no results. i don't have money to buy online reports. i am also looking for my cousin, i haven't seen in 15 years. i need to find her very important!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most public libraries in the USA will have old city directories and old telephone books in a special room. Ours in Modesto, California has them going back to the 1920's. That, not on-line, would be the place to look for old addresses and old phone numbers in the USA.

Although people in the UK talk funny, people in Canada exchange chocolate moose instead of chocolate rabbits at Easter and cowboys in Australia ride kangaroos, they are not that different from us here in the USA; I imagine most public libraries outside the USA have the same sort of collection.