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Position:Home>Genealogy> This question open to anyone on the genealogy section. I have just read a reply


This question open to anyone on the genealogy section. I have just read a reply from one of the genealogists,?

who answers lots of questions and in my opinion is really good at this stuff. If you find someone who as passed away does it upset you to tell the person who as asked the question whats become of there relative, anyone who this has happened to please reply.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I answered a question just like that last night, the first thing I did was check to see if the person could be emailed privately, they couldn't, and then I waited a little while, I thought someone else might answer the question, and then I thought they've asked for the answer so they must have prepared for the outcome in some way.So then I thought I have to do this, I put the information up there for the person and just said that I was sorry that the person had passed away. You cant really do anything other than that, if they want the information and they obviously did, if you have it you have to share it with them. I did feel really sad though I have to admit.