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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find out about my dad's biological family?


How do I find out about my dad's biological family?

I don't know much just that they left Prussia during WW2 using "Russian" names; surname Pervich (SP?) so they were most likey Jewish, outspoken against the NAZIS, or a different political part (such as Communist). My dad was adopted as a baby so he doesn't know a lot just where they were from and he thinks his mothers name was Virgina, before his name was changed it was Wolf Pervich. Would there be any records (Immigration) with the fake Russian name or a way to find there real names?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you feel there is a Jewish connection than is your best bet. You may have to get a researcher #/Password (free) to use some portions of the site, but it is the most "go to" site for those w/ Jewish roots.

Step #1 - go to its "Family Finder" and do a search of the surname. I used soundex and typed in PERVICH. There are no hits for that spelling, BUT there are people researching PERWITZ, PIROVICH, PURVITZ, PUROWITZ, PREBISH, PRIEBATSCZ, ...if you subscribe, you could contact them and see if you can find someone who recognizes something about your story.

Step #2 - regarding the given is highly unlikely that your dad's biological mom's first name would have originally have been "Vivian". Although there is sometimes a translation of some names, it doesn't appear this is true w/ Vivian. Perhaps, her name originally did begin with a "V", however. As for "Wolf", this was my grandfather's first name, although he arrived in the U.S. with the Hebrew version of the name, which is 'Zev'. Also, when you look up the name on the Given Jewish Names Database on JewishGen there are many other alternatives including various versions of the name Benjamin.
Go to: (scroll toward the bottom of the page to do the search)

If you go to the Discussion Group area, you can join the JewishGen Discussion Group and pose your question there. I am sure there will be some people willing to assist you on this.

You didn't mention the state your dad originally was in (if he remembers), what state he ended up in, his approx. age when arriving... Those could be clues to help guide both you and people who are trying to assist.

Good luck on your quest...