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Position:Home>Genealogy> Has anyone here been able to do any successful genealogical research in Ireland?


Has anyone here been able to do any successful genealogical research in Ireland?

According to what I have read in the census records, my great-great-grandfather immigrated to the US from Ireland during the middle of the 19th century. I think he may have come here because of the Potato Famine, but I am not sure. Recently, though, someone else who has also been doing genealogical research told me that it may be hard to get records from Ireland, because if I remember correctly, a fire destroyed the records office and a lot of records were destroyed. What can I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Irish resources for you. Anytime a records office (courthouse, etc) does in fact burn, there are alternate sources for information. You NEVER know what there is, unless you try. Some people join Irish email lists, and discover the cousin in Ireland (Germany, France, wherever) who happens to have the ancient family Bible. Zoom in on the locality... I found an excellent in depth historical article out of Ireland, that mentioned my mother in law's ancestral family by name.