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The last name Farlos?

please don't laugh at me but my chihuahua's last name on his papers is Farlos and I'm wondering if this is an actual mexican name and what history is behind it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I didn't see any definition on Ancestry.Com.

However, usually when people ask a meaning of origin of a surname, they get a link to a coat of arms peddler like House of Names.

You might go ahead and get him one and he would be just as entitled to it as almost all of the humans who buy from places like that.
They sell them only on a surname without any proof that it was granted to a family member of that person, much less a direct ancestor. So why not your little Farlos.
Whenever he invites visitors over, they will all be impressed seeing it on your den wall.

They show it as English but names come from different places.