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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm African American and my last name is Chavis. Where in Africa or in the worl


I'm African American and my last name is Chavis. Where in Africa or in the world did my family originate?

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3 weeks ago
PS- My family is not descended from slavery. Those who lived during that time period were free and lived on their own land. So let's scratch the whole issue of slave master or slave ownership out of the picture. Not every black man or woman is descended from a slave. Thank you.

3 weeks ago
Also, my grandparents have already passed. My family did trace their roots all the way back to the 1700's to a preacher and educator named John Chavis. But I want to know going back before him. I'd also like to add that African Americans are not only known to be mixed with Caucasian but with Native American as well. I don't think that really matters in the case of my question because it is focused on Africa and/or where my family originated...not with whom they intermarried with going down the line.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 weeks ago
PS- My family is not descended from slavery. Those who lived during that time period were free and lived on their own land. So let's scratch the whole issue of slave master or slave ownership out of the picture. Not every black man or woman is descended from a slave. Thank you.