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What is the best way to trace your family roots?

I really want to know about my ancestors and where they came from. All I know is that my older relatives on both sides of my family came from Mississippi and most of them are dying off. But where do I start? I really want to go down there and ask them questions about their parents and stuff. But is that enough? What type of questions do I ask? And when I get the information from them should I go to a family tree website? Please help me I am so confused!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I will tell you how I got started 15 yrs ago and it has paid off for me.
I got a book called Unpuzzling your past by Emily Croom. I sat down and read the first couple of chapters then sat down with what info I already knew. My name and my parents. From there I gathered birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates and obits along with cemetery info. Then I talked with relatives that were still alive.
I only use the web for clues I don't trust info that someone else has researched without documentation. There is a lot of bad research out there so you really need to be careful. You can end up chasing the wrong family for years and end up heart broken.
This is not a cheap hobby or an easy one. It takes a lot of really hard work at times. But it is the most rewarding. I have found stories that no one had uncovered over the years. Some good some not so good but its all part of the family history.
I wish you luck in your search. You will be really surprised at what you find.
Use the local LDS center in your town, they will help you a great deal. They have a lot of resources.