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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is it called when people abbreviate their first name and use their middle n


What is it called when people abbreviate their first name and use their middle name? Why?

I would like to know why certain people abbreviate the first letter of their first name and follow it with their middle name and last name. Some examples include H. Lee Scott, J. Edward Simmons, etc.

I would like to know the reasoning behind it. Also, how would you refer to a person who has done this? By their middle name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most people do so because either they don't like their first names, can't use it, or because it is too common.

For example, a lot of men from my country in the past had the name Jose as a first name... so to differentiate, people called each other by their second names.

If I had a name like DICKHED JUSTIN SMITH, for example, i'd rather write my name as D. Justin Smith... wouldn't you?

As to how to call them, that's gonna have to differ. Depends on the person. but the fact that they're willing to drop the name completely when signing anything should be a clue to call them by their second names.