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Position:Home>Genealogy> I've been trying to find the origin of my last name "Bogarin" can anyo


I've been trying to find the origin of my last name "Bogarin" can anyone help me?

I've tried searching different websites but no luck

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I looked at Ancestry.Com and it gave no information.

However, Rootsweb as some family trees.
Roosweb is free. I see where two came from Costa Rica.

Also looked at They have Bogarin from Spain, the Phillipines and Costa Rica. FamilySearch is free also.

Now information in family trees on any website must be taken as clues not as fact as most is not documented. Even if you see the same information over and over by
different submitters, a lot of copying is being done.

Origins of names are not the most important thing for people doing genealogy.
They can have more than one origin. The best thing to do is trace your family starting with your parents and working back. Work one family line and if you run into a brickwall, set it aside and work another.

If you want to know more about how to do this, there are lots of people who answer questions on this board that can help.