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Someome whos deads burial information?

i wanna find out for free where my father is buried and how he there any websites......also i wanna find my mother...but for there any websites for that too...thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It would be helpful to know if you are in the U.S. or the U.K.

In the U. S., if you know his date of death and where, you can order his death certificate. There will be a cost. Since he was your father, you probably would be able to get one. If they want the reason, say for family history. Don't know how old he would have been. If he was on social security and drawing off his own number, he will be on the social security death index. You can view it for free on Rootsweb or All you need to do is feed in his name. You don't need his social security number.

For your mother try Yahoo People Search.