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Names on Birth certificates?

When adding Mothers name to a birth certificate, can she use a different christian name or does it have to be the one she is given at birth. This refers to a birth cert in the family from 1911.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There was no standard in place in 1911. The mother could have used any name, even a nickname. Mothers used their maiden names, married names or even their stepfather's name. So there are any number of ways the mother's name could have been listed. It was a much less sophisticated and legalistic time in history. Most parents didn't even provide the information. The doctor or midwife who attended the birth filled out the form and filed it. If there are "nuances" in names, take it as a sign of how people were known in their own communities instead of what they were named on paper.

People didn't even have an obligation to register the baby's birth.The fact that they did is a blessing for us and should be taken for what it is.