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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know how I can locate Alan Michael James, also known as Micheal Jame


Does anyone know how I can locate Alan Michael James, also known as Micheal James, last address NSW Australia?

He walked out 2 days before MY DAUGHTER was born, he ows my daughter Thousands of $$$$$$$ in Child Support arrear payments, my husband, the love of my life has taken my daughter as his own for 10 years now, it just irretates me Micheal constantly gets away with not paying, as soon as The Child Support Agency locate him, he quits his job, thereby making his new family go without purerly out of spite. That is our daughters money, my husband supports her financally, however child support is the difference between her having small luxury's in her life as well as her desire to put the child support money to good use ie: saving for a car, My husband supports us, but Michael has an obligation to do what is not only the law, but something that is morally correct !!!!!!!!!

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3 weeks ago
I do expect to get some negative answers, but could you possibly give me some sane and respectful suggestions as to how I can continue to make excuses to my 13 year old daughter who feels there must be something wrong with her that he walked out in the first matter how much praise and positive grounding my husband and I give her it seems that she is still completly hung up on the fact that he doesn't want to help support her in her life even though he helped bring her into the world....she is an amazing 13 year old young lady who did nothing to cause his fear of parent hood, and as for me having no self respect, I guess when it comes to my child and what is best for her and what she's entitled to I must have left my self respect behind, she deserves the best this world can offer, and until she's 18 I guess it's up to me to try and provide that for her, I am on a disability pension, unable to work, otherwise I'd ask him for nothing

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 weeks ago
I do expect to get some negative answers, but could you possibly give me some sane and respectful suggestions as to how I can continue to make excuses to my 13 year old daughter who feels there must be something wrong with her that he walked out in the first matter how much praise and positive grounding my husband and I give her it seems that she is still completly hung up on the fact that he doesn't want to help support her in her life even though he helped bring her into the world....she is an amazing 13 year old young lady who did nothing to cause his fear of parent hood, and as for me having no self respect, I guess when it comes to my child and what is best for her and what she's entitled to I must have left my self respect behind, she deserves the best this world can offer, and until she's 18 I guess it's up to me to try and provide that for her, I am on a disability pension, unable to work, otherwise I'd ask him for nothing