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If you suspected that you were adopted, & you could get a DNA kit for free, would you go ahead & do the test ?

Say you suspected another fam member was your biological mom, would you decide to find out ? Why or why not ?

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3 weeks ago
To the person who said they might have the same DNA well what if they weren't related @ all ? Say the bio mom was your dad's sis ? So if your mom's daughter was your bio mom, would that mean that their DNA would be the same ? My bf found out that he was adopted when he was 16 or so. That was bout 15 yrs ago (He'll be 31 soon) He found out kinda @ a late age. I know this girl who's adopted & she had the same name as her "auntie". She found out a few yrs ago that she's adopted. Meanwhile, my sis *already* knew she was adopted. Everyone but HER knew pretty much. She's bout 16 now. She found out when she was 13 maybe. She said, "I have to tell you something...." to my sis. My sis had to act like she didn't know. She found out after her "mom" passed away. That was prob bout 5 yrs ago. What if peeps said that you looked like your auntie who you suspected of being your bio mom. If relatives jokingly said "You look like ___" (potential bio mom) then she went beside you & smiled to show the

3 weeks ago
comparisons. Why would a person look like their auntie ? What if your potential bio mom didn't have kids til a few yrs AFTER you were born ? Also, would you be mad to find out that you were adopted ? Do you think it's better to be told or do you think that you should be told @ a certain age like when you're in your early teens ? Some peeps find out even younger than that.

3 weeks ago
Oh yeah ! Is it possible to get a birth certificate w/o proving your mother/daughter relationship ? Say you've never seen your birth certificate... Would your mom have to obtain a copy to get you a birth certificate ? (for ID in the future) Or could they just "say" / write that they're your mom & they'd believe it w/o having any proof ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 weeks ago
To the person who said they might have the same DNA well what if they weren't related @ all ? Say the bio mom was your dad's sis ? So if your mom's daughter was your bio mom, would that mean that their DNA would be the same ? My bf found out that he was adopted when he was 16 or so. That was bout 15 yrs ago (He'll be 31 soon) He found out kinda @ a late age. I know this girl who's adopted & she had the same name as her "auntie". She found out a few yrs ago that she's adopted. Meanwhile, my sis *already* knew she was adopted. Everyone but HER knew pretty much. She's bout 16 now. She found out when she was 13 maybe. She said, "I have to tell you something...." to my sis. My sis had to act like she didn't know. She found out after her "mom" passed away. That was prob bout 5 yrs ago. What if peeps said that you looked like your auntie who you suspected of being your bio mom. If relatives jokingly said "You look like ___" (potential bio mom) then she went beside you & smiled to show the