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Position:Home>Genealogy> Trying to find information on someone thats passed away. Where would I get info?


Trying to find information on someone thats passed away. Where would I get info?

I'm trying to find info on someone thats passed away around 20 years ago. I'm looking up the name on the internet but no results are coming up. Is there a place I could go to, to get documents. Because I really don't know anything but I would like to find some info on this person. The only info I have is the full name and nothing else. So if anyone could tell me a place to go or if there is no hope of finding any info please let me know. Thanks. =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here are a few resources for you to use: - Probably the best free online resource, and the Social Security Death Index might be exactly what you're looking for. is one of the best but has a hefty subscription fee (for most of its databases).

Also, you can check the surname message boards for his surname at:

For links to helpful sites, you will want to take a look at:

And finally for a lot of different resources:

Good luck,