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Position:Home>Genealogy> Please, help me know more about may family last name "Martazan"?


Please, help me know more about may family last name "Martazan"?

I'd like to know anything about other families with the same last name, geographical location, nation and whatever else?
Strange, I found a British cargo named "Martazan" (H.Fernie&Sons; 1906; R.Craggs&Sons of Middlesbrough)which sunk in 1917.
Also, I found the name MARTAZAN in a list on web site Gelux -Patronymes (Genealogie dans la province de Louxembourg) and a person named Tovernar Martazan on a school web site I tink from Belgium.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The most rewarding thing you can do to learn about your family surname is to research your own ancestors back a generation at time - not use a flyswatter at someone else's.