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How I can I find out my fathers history.?

My dad dead in 2000 at which time I found out that he was adopted. There are no more living relatives on his side of the family. I am just wondering where he came from and stuff like that.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Now that he is deceased, you might be able to contact the local adoption agencies where he grew up (and was possibly adopted) to see if they have any records. Have you gone through all of his papers and documents--did he ever write anything about his adoption that could be helpful? If you can find information about his birth parents, here are a few resources for you to use: - Probably the best free online resource. is one of the best but has a hefty subscription fee (for most of its databases).

Also, you can check the surname message boards for his surname at:

For links to helpful sites, you will want to take a look at:

And finally for a lot of different resources:

Good luck,