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Polish genealogy source to watch...?

OK, so this is less of a question and more of a heads up. But there is an ongoing project that anyone interested in Polish genealogy may want to bookmark and check on frequently. There are volunteers going through all of the marriage records in Catholic and Lutheran churches around Poland and digitizing them for internet searches. This is probably the single biggest leap in Central European genealogy in our lifetimes...and for many will be the only way to find your ancestors' hometowns in "the old country". The caveat is that you have to be patient. They only have 138,000 marriages indexed so for...and literally millions to go.

I've been watching it for more than a year. My own great-great grandparents just came online this week. It's worth bookmarking for the next time you need a boost in your research.

For "unknown" regions:
For Posnan marriages:

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
While it's not an LDS project, it is using LDS films. So anyone from anywhere in the world can help by volunteering to transcribe films. The coordinator of the project is a very cool man named Lukasz Bielecki. There are more details and info on volunteering at this link:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 weeks ago
While it's not an LDS project, it is using LDS films. So anyone from anywhere in the world can help by volunteering to transcribe films. The coordinator of the project is a very cool man named Lukasz Bielecki. There are more details and info on volunteering at this link: