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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the surname turiccki come from (turicchi)??


Where does the surname turiccki come from (turicchi)??

i know there is a huge amount of us with this name, both in the uk as well as in the states, and from what i can gather we are all actually related!!! it would be nice to find out exactly through who and maybe i could find out why the family left italy, where in italy did we originate?? and how come if there are so many of us, why do we never or why do we not talk to each other any more??? and seriously how many fueds are there???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Names can come from many different places. I looked at Ancestry.Com and it doesn't give a place of origin. There are some family tree entries in Ancestry.Com and one has place of birth as Barga Italy.

You can view these entries also on Rootsweb under World Connect. Now information in family trees on any website must be take as clues not as fact as most is not documented. Even if you see the same information over and over by differentl submitters, a lot of copying is being done. However, if you probe a name it will take you to another screen and you will see the submitter's email address.

I also found a Turricchi and he lived and died not too far from where I am in a town called Devers, Liberty County, Texas Doesn't say where he was born.

Now, I don't know how you pronouce the name but a ch in Italian is pronouced like a k in English. So if you pronounce it Tu ree chee then in Italian it was probably spelled Turicci.

I didn't see any Turriccki. It is pronouced that way then it would be Turicchi.