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Is it possible to trace back to Adam?

I've heard that it is not possible to trace our genealogy back to Adam & Eve, yet I have seen pedigree charts of people who have. Does any one know if it is really possible?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Jews used to have to be able to trace their ancestry back to the founder of whatever tribe each individual was in. They had extensive geneological records, of which only a tiny portion are in the Bible. These records were stored somewhere in Jerusalem, I believe, but they were burned by the Romans. As a result, no one knows how valid they were or how specific. I heard there was a separate set of records for the priests and levites, but particularly for the high priests. These were kept in another city, but I suspect we eventually lost those as well.

The point of all this, is that if anyone could trace their ancestry back to the leader of a tribe of Israel, as the Jews supposedly all could, they would be able to trace themselves back to Adam simply by using the records in the bible that trace Israel himself back to Adam