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Position:Home>Genealogy> John thomas moore. my grandfather, how can I find out about him?


John thomas moore. my grandfather, how can I find out about him?

ok my grandfather had 2 kids in liverpool. moved to wales started a new life had my mum, uncles and auntys. but i wanna no about him. he died when I was 7 and my mum dont even no why he moved or the other 2 kids he had, so how can I find stuff out

he was also in the army. i tried sites but to message people or to get any information u have to pay

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Try
You don't have to pay, although you do have to register. It doesn't have any records I'm afraid. But i have used it and people are surprisingly willing to share the information they have, some will even look up info for you. I have used it and managed to find a cousin.
Apart from that, you will have to pay.