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Position:Home>Genealogy> Im looking for the meaning of my french name Brignon. Is there anyone who could


Im looking for the meaning of my french name Brignon. Is there anyone who could help? I cant find it anywhere.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Brignon is a village which is 4000 years old of existence, the current village is positioned on the southern side, of a hill: ??the Greenhouse of Brienne??. The site was occupied as of Chalcolithique, around 2000 years before Jesus Christ, of the ceramics shards attest it. Traces of huts on the southern slopes of the hill prove a human occupation in VIIe century before JC. At the end of Ve front century JC, a new agglomeration positioned at the top of the hill, extends gradually on twelve hectares as of Ier front century JC. This named city BRIGINNO, chief town of territory, belonged to the confederation of Volques Ar㩣omiques gathered around Nimes. The archaeologists found on the site the oldest mural of France, as well as a dwelling including/understanding a room decorated with painted coatings and with a mosa㯱u㩠ground. The current village shows many vestiges of XIIe and XIIIe centuries: the church, of the fragments of enclosing wall, turns of angles and the tower of the strong Castle. Brignon, since, was strongly marked by certain facts of the history: the war of Camisards, wars of religion, where were distinguished from many Brignonais, the first and Second World war and during the latter by Resistance.

(translation from wikipedia.... the name also goes through early Quebec).
You would have a great time working this one back, doing your actual ancestors !!