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Position:Home>Genealogy> Iwas born in Italy and live in the states.I know my mothers name so how can I fi


Iwas born in Italy and live in the states.I know my mothers name so how can I find her?

Can or will some one send me a church address from northern Italy around savona that is where I am from? The name I have on her I dont know if it is her married name or not. Its been over 40 years. please help me. thank you for time..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No problem. Do you have a copy of your own baptismal certificate? If so, that alone will give mom's maiden name. If not, do you have a copy of either your birth certificate or your immigration paperwork?

There are 60 parishes in the Diocese of Savona-Noli. If you can narrow it down, even a little, from family records or immigration papers, we can get you better contact information. Otherwise, the alternative is to contact one of the monasteries or convents in the region that open their doors to American tourists and pay a nun or monk to help you with your research. It's not inexpensive (they're hungry over there which is why they're opening their doors to tourists), but they are very good researchers. I've had tremendous success hiring nuns to research sacramental records for me.