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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anybody know any about the sur name COLASANTI???? is it italian or anything else


Anybody know any about the sur name COLASANTI???? is it italian or anything else???

any type of info would be great thanks...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: COLASANTI
Italian: from the personal name Colasanto, a compound of the personal names Cola + Santo

Southern Italian: from the personal name Cola, a short form of Nicola, Italian equivalent of Nicholas.

Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese: from the personal name Santo, from santo ??holy??. In some instances the surname may have arisen from a nickname for a pious individual.
Americanized spelling of Hungarian Sz㡮t㳠(see Szanto).

Hope this Helps found it on research your family to make sure it's from Italy in the North of Italy many family settled in Switzerland, France, Austria and still carry Italian surnames.