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Is it true that Frankie from real world sd died?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sad, but true.

Frankie Abernathy (December 21, 1981 – June 9, 2007) was known as the punked-out rock-chick of MTV's "The Real World: San Diego". Abernathy suffered from cystic fibrosis, and during her time in "The Real World", she showed many symptoms of the genetic disorder, such as difficulty with breathing and immune-system impairment. Her disease was a significant part of her storyline on the show.

After many tumultuous times, Abernathy ended up leaving the show before the end of the season. She later said she felt that the show experience was dragging her down, and was thus a waste of her time - and time is a very precious thing to someone who knows they might only live to 30, or possibly less. (Indeed, she died at 25.)

Her parents were mother Abbie Hunter and father Joe Abernathy. She also had a stepfather, Perry Hunter. She had only one sibling, a younger sister named Mamie.

One of her sayings: "Tomorrow is a privilege, so live today like tomorrow isn't happening."