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Position:Home>Genealogy> Regier family of henderson, nebrask. Where they in 1879?


Regier family of henderson, nebrask. Where they in 1879?

in 1879 came to Henderson, Nebraska my great grandmother was a regier

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You haven't given a christian name, so I typed in John Regier, and it came up with John born 24th August 1889 in Henderson Nebraska, he died in January 1977. I have also been searching for Susanna Nickel I have found a lady who is obviously related to Regier's of Henderson, but she was registered as being born in South Russia, did you say your lady was born in the Ukraine this Susanna was born in 1840. If you would like to contact me I will get the information to you via email, I just want to have a good look at it before I pass it on.