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Position:Home>Genealogy> Lillian Tippet, my aunt of Santa Barbara, CA did extensive research of our famil


Lillian Tippet, my aunt of Santa Barbara, CA did extensive research of our family tree.?

Is there a place this might be recorded? She died some years ago and I have lost contact with her family. Is there a logical place where she or her family (Susan and Cynthia Tippet) might have placed the record to honor their family history or for historical significance? On Internet, local historical society?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My great uncle documented a couple of our lines and I have found copies at the town library where the family resided, a copy on file with the Church of Latter Day Saints, a copy on file with the Library of Congress, and copies floating around the family. Incidentally, when I was verifying his work a few years back I found some people in the Netherlands who obtained copies of his work, proving that his work will live on forever! Unfortunately though, if facts aren't 100% accurate, the errors will live on as well too. which is why doing your own research is so important.

Keep in mind though that some people do go through the trouble of doing an extensive family tree and never donate it to any repository. My best advice would be to get in contact with your cousins if you have any or check with your aunts and uncles and see if maybe they obtained a copy from her. It will give you an excuse to rekindle your relationship!