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Who lives in alabama here?

if u people sound like texans?? its so interesting...i love the song sweet home alabama...what do u alabama's think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Texans have different accents. The Eastern part are mostly people whose ancestry goes back to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, along with many Cajuns in the southeast corner.

As you get west of Houston, you have a lot of German settlements. Also more Hispanics. However, the eastern part of Texas has received a lot of Hispanic immigrants in the past few years. Now, much of the Hispanic population of San Antonio is colonial. Texas was ruled by Spain and they settled people there in the early 1700s. For 15 years Texas was part of Mexico.

I believe the accents of people from Alabama and Georgia are more melodic.

For instance in Georgia they pronounce the word Water like waw TER. The English do the same. Most American say Wat er.

My sister after she married and lived in Georgia for many years did not sound anything like a Texan. She developed a melodic or sing song sound to her pronunciaton.

They have a street in Atlanta, Houston and it is pronouced Hows ton. In Texas we say Hews ton.