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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do you or any of your family have names that are very rare nowadays?


Do you or any of your family have names that are very rare nowadays?

My mother's first names were Avis Moya and I've never heard of anyone else with those names.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I had uncles names Orion and Onis. I have a sister named Clifteen, named for our father, Clifton.

Names go around in cycles. Some names like John, Mary, Robert, William, Elizabeth etc are always old staples. But some names fade and come back. I had a grandaunt named Savannah who was named for her Aunt Savannah. Savannah is a name that is making a come back. I think the name, Sarah, is beautiful. I is not used very much any more.

When you look at census records, you find in the U.S. in the 19th century, some girls were named for states, Missouri, Louisiana, Indiana and I have actually seen an Arkansas. Now Virginia was used but is still is. I have seen Sophronia on census records.

When my younger sister named her daughter, Heather about 37 years ago, she thought she was coming up with something different and unique. Now there are Heathers all over the place.