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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the origin of the surname Seney?


What is the origin of the surname Seney?

Is it French or Irish?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ignore any links you will get to a Coat of Arms Peddler. They sell them solely on a surname. That is not valid. The family history that comes with them may be your family history and may not.

Ancestry.Com shows 8 Seney immigrants came from Ireland, 2 from England and 1 from Great Britain.

However, the origin of a name is not all the important in family history. The same surname can come from many different places. The best thing to do is trace your family starting with your parents and work back. If you are interested in that, there are people on this board who can give you a lot of hints as to how to go about it.