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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for Jampot - Warwickshire Yeomanry Great War?


Looking for Jampot - Warwickshire Yeomanry Great War?

I've been hunting for info about my late grandfather's best friend who we only know as 'Jampot'. They grew up together in a small village called 'Hill', in Warwickshire, joined the Warwickshire Yeomanry together soon after the outbreak of the Great War, served in the same company, but Jampot was killed in action during the Palestine campaign. I've scoured local war memorials, Commonwealth Graves website, contacted the Yeomanry museum, but haven't had any luck. I have quite a few photos, and would love to be able to pass copies on to any surviving relatives (if they were interested). Any expert 'diggers' out there with any suggestions?

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2 weeks ago
Thanks to paddysenier - can't use the advice though as I don't know his name so have no way of looking up any details - the name is what I'm after!

2 weeks ago
Getting some great suggestions - thanks to those sending website links! Short expansion - the village called 'Hill' is just 'Hill' - has no extra parts to it, which has made trying to Google it pretty much impossible, as there are a lot of 'Hill' variations in Warwickshire, and the hits run into the millions! Can't find a way to limit the search results to just 'Hill'. Mum told me last night that the Jampot the family is looking for is actually Jampot the Second. There was (quite unbelievably) another Jampot in the Yeomanry - Jampot the First! I wonder if historians realise this was a common nickname. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
Thanks to paddysenier - can't use the advice though as I don't know his name so have no way of looking up any details - the name is what I'm after!