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Is there a sturgiss?

i am a sturgiss

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: HI, Mack... and my guess is that you are opening up efforts to research your family.
I went to check for an email list for Sturgiss, and there is not one, but there is one for Sturgess. It is VERY common that names evolve into slightly different spellings. You can find that at the mailing list area of
Also there on that site, you'll see family files as a selection. There are entries with your spelling.. but you don't indicate what country you are in, so can't help you on that.
Another suggestion is again on the front page there at rootsweb, which has a beginner's guide to research (one of many on the web). Really is a good idea to glance through that.
Any time you are looking for genealogical information, you get way way more results, if you can be specific... like, looking for John Sturgiss, born about 1880, in New York, want to find his parents. Help comes out of the woodwork, if we know enough to focus on certain records.
good luck, come back and see us..