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Has anyone tried DNA geneology?

I'm african american and am considering DNA geneology to trace my African ancestral roots. Can anyone who has done it share their experiences? And who should I go through?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I went through and had excellent results. One of my first cousins also used that site. They sent a kit with 2 swabs that I used to swab the inside of my cheeks and returned the kit. About 3 weeks later, I started receiving reports from them. I would definitely recommend Family Tree DNA (FTDNA).
But, I am considered white. Both by paper trail and through DNA, I have traced my ancestry thoughout all of Europe, the Canary Islands, American Indians, Canary Islands, Carribean Islands, Mediterranean Islands, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, Russian, Inuits & Eskimos, Laps, Morocco, South Africa, China, the Philippines, Mexico...Well, enough of that. I just wanted to point out the possibilities.
In your case, try, and, the one featured in Fortune Magazine (and others) is Expect to pay close to $200 and up, depending on which site you use and how detailed a report you want.
Let's face it, no matter what country you were born in or what country your parents were born in, civil records are just not that accurate. DNA IS accurate; of course, it will not provide names and dates, but it will show you, as in my case, which countries your ancestors came from. Get both the maternal and paternal tests done; male DNA changes more quickly, so the results will show more recent migrations. Women, on the other hand, will show you your "deep" ancestry. Together they are rather compelling.
I am always willing to help you on that if I can.