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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I trace my Prussian-German family?


How can I trace my Prussian-German family?

I've followed it back to about 1850 and it seems like all we've ever been are Prussian farmers from Wisconsin. How can I access more records to further search and follow my tree back to Prussian Germany? I'm totally stuck on the LDS website and (which my membership has expired to soooo...).

I think it would be really cool to find we were related to some Prussian Emperor and then trace that back around to the Brtish Royal Family (since they're German...*taboo*!). Don't worry, I'm not holding my breath though!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Since most of Prussia is now Poland, the Polish Museum in Chicago is a wonderful resource (even for German Prussians) is the Polish Genealogical Society.

Some records are online at and you may be able to find them on the Hamburg records. If you're having a bad luck day, you'll find they went through Bremen. Those records were destroyed. The best you'll have would be the Castle Clinton records from the Port of New York at:

If you have the names, the collective braintrust on this board may be able to help you find their hometown "back home".