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How do I find family in Germany?

My mom escaped from east Germany when she was 17, and has not seen them since. I want to find them. How can I do this? The family last name is Dietzel and the town she left was Frankenheim. This was in I believe, 1958 or so. She lived in Berlin until 1960 with my father who was in the U.S. Army. Help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This list of German resources tends to historical, but there is many possibilities that they COULD lead to a German contact person there (who would be knowledgeable about current leads). That's the beauty of the internet today. We can (with a tiny bit of luck) chat with persons all over the world, without even the cost of a long distance call.
Network. One resource at are email lists that you can subscribe to, that focus on localities. You don't have to be subbed to them to search the archived messages.
One advantage is that your mom will hopefully remember family names, who obviously could still be living and still hoping to hear what happened to her.
I especially wish you luck on this.

edit... I used dietzel and frankenheim as terms in google, and got a number of hits... I didn't translate them.. but there may be a GOOD lead in one of those.