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Position:Home>Genealogy> For you fellow Italians out there.... Is lastname Rosson really italian?


For you fellow Italians out there.... Is lastname Rosson really italian?

Ive finally started to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I found out that my grandmas maiden lastname is Rosson. She is dark skinned when tanned and beautiful. And the only thing i have to go by is origins to finalize my conclusion on what could be in my blood. Now the origin for that name Rosson, comes up from a short variation of Rosso in italian. I heard thats usual in northern Italy, instead of ending in a vowel it ends with something else. Now ive also encountered other northern italians with the same thing. Please correct me if im wrong, or give me some opinions on that lastname. I'd appreciate it, thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Definately north Italian and in particular from the region of Veneto. Formally it's Rossone or Rossoni (which means "big red"), but in the Veneto idiom the last vowel is not pronounced. For example: Corner (o), Morosin (i), Condarin (i), Cravin (o) etc...