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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for any Cageys still living in Fayette Township, PA?


Looking for any Cageys still living in Fayette Township, PA?

Need genealogical data for any info on Arthur Cagey, Lester Cagey, Harriet Cagey, Mary & Michael Cagey. Had many relatives in Springhill circa 1860-1930. Also looking for relatives of Catherine "Kate" Boord.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Since you have the names and the place, you shouldn't have any problem locating them on census images. You may also find historical mentions at rootsweb and's "place" message boards. To locate the county, which you will need, try - but Fayette while being a town in a couple of PA counties is also a county. Don't overlook

And beware. Half the time it'll be transcribed as spelled some other way on census indices, even caizney.

But you asked for still living so I suggest message boards at,, or the phone.