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are there any FREE sites to look up my family tree...or surname?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's unlikely that you would "find" your family tree - you'll need to grow it! Beginning with yourself, then your parents and grandparents, plus all your living ancestors can help you with through the 20th century at least. At that point you're ready to begin ordering the birth, marriage and death documents which will lead you one more generation back.

You will need access to census and other historical documents beyond that. Some you can find online and much will not be - it'll be at the library, and also at your local LDS family history center - some free stuff, but not the copier fees for copies you'll need to make for your files.

Once you can about get into the 19th century you may (or may not!) find others' online gedcoms (trees) that match with your own & email addys to those researchers to correspond with. At that point you'll be poking around at the free stuff at,,