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Position:Home>Genealogy> Daniel Bedinger Lucas letter and stamped envelope, whats the value? Famous poet


Daniel Bedinger Lucas letter and stamped envelope, whats the value? Famous poet and senator dated 1857.?

I'm trying to find a value for a letter and stamped envelope i have. It was sent to Mr Daniel Bedinger Lucas Esq. The date on the letter looks to be 1857, the stamp is a 3 cent stamp, # 10 or 11, i dont know. I just got the letter from my grand father who just passed and have not had time to do more research on its value. Any ideas on where i can find out more about its value? The letter is from his cousin and mentions many names, cousin mary washington, cousin Jefferson...the letter is very interesting...HELP!! Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Value is in the genealogy, not what you can stuff in your wallet.

I suggest post the genealogical information at the surname message boards at,,