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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there any relation between you and your father's half-brother's son?


Is there any relation between you and your father's half-brother's son?

I was looking at my family tree and several generations back my 7th great grandfather is listed twice but with two different women. I'm assuming he remarried or something but he had two sons, each with a different mother. The two sons then married and each had a child, a boy and a girl. The boy and the girl then got married and had a son. Is there any relation that would deem it inscestual?

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
I would like to clarify that I am not talking about myself, some seemed to have confused what i said. This occurred several generations back. His name was a fairly unique German name after incorporating his middle name. Both names are an exact match so I am pretty sure it is the same man. I'm not in a panic about it because I realize that this was pretty common back then, this question was merely asked to fiqure out the relationship between them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
I would like to clarify that I am not talking about myself, some seemed to have confused what i said. This occurred several generations back. His name was a fairly unique German name after incorporating his middle name. Both names are an exact match so I am pretty sure it is the same man. I'm not in a panic about it because I realize that this was pretty common back then, this question was merely asked to fiqure out the relationship between them.