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Who were the Collins family in 1880's in Indianola, MS?

Where did the Collins family originate in the 1800's in Mississippi?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Since you specified 1880's, I used the census search at, to find all Collins living in that county (Sunflower) that year. (I did not limit it to the one town). There were in fact, more than one family... one is caucasian, the other is African American.
1880 is a great source of clues to migration patterns, if you look closely. One family shows the father born in NC about 1825, but says his PARENTS were also both born in NC. Interesting then to go on to the children.. showing one child born in NC, the next in Tenn, and the next is listed in SC.
3 females are listed next... all young, all are listed as "other" (not his children), and all born in NC. Since these girls do carry the same surname, it is likely their father was a brother to the head of household.
1870 and before do NOT show birthplaces of parents... so are not as good, to indicate probable patterns of migration (that can lead you to location of records). Especially cool if you find a parent living with a son/daughter, and are elderly...but they still show parents place of birth, which can reach back into the 1700's.
The African American Collins family obviously shows a completely different pattern.