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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there any possible way for humans to find out their ancestry through blood te


Is there any possible way for humans to find out their ancestry through blood tests?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Blood test are not used. They use DNA test which frequently just requires a swab of the mouth.

However, that is an expensive way to start of. You need to get as much information from family as possible. Go to your local library and check the genealogy section. They might have a subscription to Ancestry.Com which has all the censuses through 1930. The 1940 is not available for the public yet. Censuses shows place of birth of everyone enumerated.

Call your nearest Mormon Church and find out if they have a Family History Center and if so the hours they are open for the public. They have records on people all over the world and are very helpful. Most of the people availing themselves of their resources will not be Mormon. They won't bother you with religion.

While you are at the genealogy section of your library and the Family History Center, you most likely will make contact with people who can give you a lot of advice.

Maybe, later you would want to have a DNA test done.

Y dna is passed from father to son only

Mitchondrial DNA is passed through the female line. Sons get mitochondrial from their mothers but they don't pass it on to their children. So the mitochondrial is good to trace from grandmother to mother to daughter etc.

Autosomol DNA is what most of our DNA is made of. We get 50-50 from both parents. Right now the only thing they use it for is to determine the paternity of a female and for racial and ethnic heritage. It will cost you from about $250 to $300.