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I want to get my Indian Registry Card.?

My grandfather was adopted and his birth mother was the indian. Full blood!!!! Don't know how to start any ideas.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is a long list of resources for tracing Native American ancestry., including some explanations of when family tradition is not accurate. It is also very important to understand BASIC research issues and techniques (on cyndi's front page, you can find some tutorials on how to start).
ALL genealogy requires solid documentation, even more so in Native American. If you cannot show "proof" of your heritage, you won't get anywhere. Aside from usual issues around tribal requirements, you also have an adoption. Thus, you will have to show that he is actually (1) her child and (2) her ancestry. You have a double challenge.
Check out cyndi's...and start collecting the information you have AND start thinking on how to verify that info.