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Surname Nagra?

I want people to do that search they do and it tells you a whole lot of info on your last name plz

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay youngun. I don't know if you are asking this question because you want to know or if you are testing us old folks. I am 72. Origin of names are not all that important to people doing genealogy as the the same name can come from many different places.

Ancestry.Com has no information regarding the origin. shows on the 1880 census a Nagra from Italy. Under their International Genealogical Index they show a marriage record of a Guiseppe Nagra.

Under their International Genealogical Index they show several in South America. and Rootsweb are both free. Rootsweb has some family trees.
Now information you find in family trees on any website must be taken as clues not as fact as most is not documented. Even if you see the same information over and over by different submitters, a lot of copying is being done. That is stinky family history. There are errors in those trees.

The only way you can truly know the origin of your name is to research your family history. You would probably find it enjoyable. Any time you want to do that come back on this board and ask how and there are plenty people here who can give you hints and advice.

I might add if you go into Rootsweb and put the name Nagra in the World Connect block, it will pull up trees for Nagra. Probe on any name and it will take you to a screen that will show you the name and email address of the submitter.
Now some submitters might not know too much as the person named Nagra just might be someone who married into their family. But you very likely will find someone who does. Also they have message boards. You can put a message under a surname or a location. If there is a Nagra message board, if you post a message or a question it will also show up on Ancestry.Com's message board. Genealogy.Com has message boards too.