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Position:Home>Genealogy> Am I the only one who thinks the standard of genealogy questions and answers has


Am I the only one who thinks the standard of genealogy questions and answers has gone down.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Since I'm rather new to Yahoo! Answers, I can't answer your question with fair judgment based on past experience, but since I'm a hobby genealogist for close to 15 years, I can tell you that the questions here, to me, reflect a lack of understanding what genealogy is about. There are so many questions about living people and about reconnecting with someone from one's past. Then there are "lazy" questions... people wanting to find their genealogy, but want someone to just give them the work, or point to a magic site that provides all the names, dates and information they want... and for free on top of it all. Again, to me, it just means they don't understand what genealogy is and how to research it. JMHO.