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Position:Home>Genealogy> Which is the most exclusive surname in the world?


Which is the most exclusive surname in the world?

Think about it this way: my surname is Thomas, but half of Wales has that surame as well but I'm not directly related to anybody there. I'm trying to find the least common surname in the world, one that pretty much only one family has. If this is not confusing to you, like it is to some people, then I'll bake you a cake :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hmmm... let me see.

I'm a Filipino and I heard a lot of strange surnames here in the Philippines. Here's one I once heard: Bayag.

I speak a Filipino dialect called Bicol and hearing that surname Bayag really makes me laugh. You see, Bayag in Bicol means... how can I explain this...aaahhh... male sex organ(I'm not joking wit you). Having a surname that means erm...male sex organ is extremely rare for all that I know.