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Position:Home>Genealogy> Heeeeyyyyy! I just found out that 24 people are searching for someone by my name


Heeeeyyyyy! I just found out that 24 people are searching for someone by my name which nobody else I know has?

They are searching for my name and age range. This is very disturbing because my name is truly one of a kind.
I was looking for a person on this sight yesterday for the name stucchi, signed up and now they tell me a bunch of people are researching me, and the only way i can find out who they are is pay this site a monthly fee. is this a scam? Or are people really searching for Me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It sounds like a scam to me.
If your name is rare, people looking for you would use Google or Yahoo, not a pay site.
Your name may not be as rare as you think. Look for it in
which is a USA-wide phone book. You may be surprised.