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Are there possibilities for me to be Jewish?

I mostly come from Greece and live there. After I read Anna Frank, I 've been much interested in Jews. In fact I mostly wonder whether I 'm partly Jewish. Nobody ever told me so, but I 've got relatives who look somewhat Jewish and when I searched for the Jewish physical characteristics in the net, I noticed I have some (mostly the nose but also more). People out of the family told me in the past once or twice I look a bit Jewish , but nobody in the family ever gave a clue about Jewish nationality. My first name is neither charcteristically Jewish nor characteristically non-Jewish and my last name changed for every generation by now. A place where my Jewish-looking relatives originally come from was inhabited by people of many nationalities including Jews when my relatives lived there. Quite a few Greeks in my area look as Jewish as I look or even more but they don't believe they are because nobody ever told them. I know my question is stupid and I wrote too much, but can you help me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You're only Jewish if your mother is Jewish. She's only Jewish if her mother was Jewish, and so on. If you can find a Jewish woman in your matrilineal ancestry, then you are Jewish, otherwise not. Physical characteristics are meaningless.

That said, you can convert if you /really/ want to, but it's not easy to do. You should first go find and talk to a rabbi if you want to learn more about Judaism.