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Hi, how can i have my family genealogy?

i want to know who is the best to do the family genealogy tree? i mean, which one is the best organization or company or what ever to make that. Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can get advice and coaching at a LDS Church Family History Center. This category's resolved Q's are full of links, notes and tips. The Momons will let you download PAF, a genealogy program for free. You can but Family Tree Maker or Roots Magic, which ar ebetter genealogy programs, for about US $30. All of those suggestions assume you will do the work yourself and live in the USA.

Professional Genealogists charge $25 to $50 an hour, usually with a 16 or 20 hour minimum and no guarantee. (If anyone promises you results, put one hand on your wallet and back away slowly.) If your ancestors were in the USA by 1850, a pro should be able to get you 10 - 12 of your 16 great-great grandparents in a couple of days.

Your prose style suggest you are under 25, and if you are serious about spending that amount of money at that age, you are extremely rare. Some, not all US Gen Web links have lists of professionals for their county. Some, not all major genealogy libraries have lists of professionals that work in them. Write to me via my profile if you'd liek more information.

I'm not a professional and I don't do family trees for money. Some of the other top 10 answerers are; look at their profiles.