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Position:Home>Genealogy> What state in the U.S. is equal in size to Germany? Bavaria?


What state in the U.S. is equal in size to Germany? Bavaria?

My GGF came here from Bavaria sometime between his birth in 1824 and the 1880 Census. I will NOT fly but am very curious about where my family came from.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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1 week ago
The reason I would like to know is because I am not a traveller (even within the U.S.) but I love knowing facts about areas. I know the size of my home state (PA) and have been to each corner of it. It's pretty dang big! I don't know why it's hard to understand why I want to know this. I like to imagine what my ancestors did in their time. Especially the ones that served in the Revolutionary War and Civil War. The hardships they had. The miles they had to walk. I could go on. I realize most people don't even think about the ones that came before them. I feel my life is no more important than theirs.

1 week ago
And, I have looked in many areas for him. I'm not new to Genealogy but he is my brick wall. George Kirstner born 1824.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
The reason I would like to know is because I am not a traveller (even within the U.S.) but I love knowing facts about areas. I know the size of my home state (PA) and have been to each corner of it. It's pretty dang big! I don't know why it's hard to understand why I want to know this. I like to imagine what my ancestors did in their time. Especially the ones that served in the Revolutionary War and Civil War. The hardships they had. The miles they had to walk. I could go on. I realize most people don't even think about the ones that came before them. I feel my life is no more important than theirs.