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Position:Home>Genealogy> Am I of Irish decent?


Am I of Irish decent?

Going by my mother's maiden name and my fathers last name, I should be German/Scottish. Well names of Americans have gotten jummbled over these 200 years, can I actually trust last names?

I cannot afford to pay someone to look up my geneology. So I can't go that route.

The reason I ask if I'm of Irish decent is because I have a VERY strong connection with Irish culture and heritage. I mean ever since I was very small I've loved everything Irish. I've been to Ireland and I didn't nesscearly feel at home but I felt like I'd been there before (strange I know). I "feel" I am of Irish heritage, so am I? Can I go by that? A "feeling"? Is that right?

Additional Details

1 week ago
I know all of my grandparents and great grandparents and they know nothing but of America. I've searched online and come up to a dead end in America.

I'm just an American Mutt huh?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 week ago
I know all of my grandparents and great grandparents and they know nothing but of America. I've searched online and come up to a dead end in America.

I'm just an American Mutt huh?